Sunday, October 30, 2011

Say Yes to Every Moment

“It took years for me to realize that the very twists and turns and shadows I labeled ‘problems’ were really sacred ground, grace disguised as obstacles, the whole path a pilgrimage, mysteries baring themselves before me all along the way.”
 ~Danna Faulds.
   Excerpted from “Every Step is Holy” in From Root to Bloom.

We have all had our moments when we realized it was a positive for us that we hit a specific obstacle in our journey. It may be as simple as having a traffic delay resulting in being “perfect timing” to run into a long lost friend. But take this symbolism further as you generalize it to your life. If we see every obstacle, every difficult moment, and every frustration as sacred ground that allows us an opportunity for further growth, then we have shifted how we live. On some soul level we signed up to learn certain lessons in life. And the lessons that come into our life are not accidents. These lessons are perfect for our soul’s growth. And when we see this, we can then embrace these moments. We can ask ourselves. “What is it that we need to learn and grow from in this present difficulty?”
Yes, I do agree that sometimes we would like to move on and get past those “lessons” in life that are uncomfortable and even very painful. But my own belief is that we are here to learn to love ourselves and others. Without discomfort, we don’t necessarily make changes. We say we want to make the changes, and we have good intention, but there is that old adage, “If it isn’t broken, why fix it?”  The reason to fix it is because we can all do better. We can all learn to master loving ourselves more, loving others more and growing and developing. Perhaps if we work towards making changes within ourselves we don’t need those hard lessons to make us stop and sit with ourselves. Start looking at the little lessons to make the changes you need to within. Say “yes” to every moment and look for the gems hidden beneath the surface.

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