Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Holiday is here - Be Present

As I write this blog, I am not in my usual “quiet” space that I love to retreat to in order to reflect and write.  I am sitting at my counter awaiting the timer to go off to finish up the last of my tea rings that my husband and I bake to take around to neighbors and others to wish them Christmas cheer. In between the baking,  I read a nice email from a friend that is working on enjoying the moments of season by keeping life simple, and had a phone conversation with a family member that is concerned about a friend that may be struggling mentally and whether those signs should be a concern. I am also taking in information from a text that I received regarding an elderly friend that is not doing well physically and is far from feeling like Christmas is in the air.  She is having a very difficult day.  I watch the scene unfold being aware that the tea rings symbolize the greeting from our home to another home – yet, on a deeper level, there is so much going on with others that calls for understanding, care, and love. This requires a slowing down and extending oneself.
Yet, multi-tasking is the theme today as yesterday we had my extended family gathering and tomorrow we will have our own family gathering with our children and grandchildren.  And being conscious of others and what is going on in their lives continues to put the season in perspective.  I have become aware that this year I have had to manage the holiday tasks by thinking about one gathering or event at a time. I think in the past I was much better at looking at the big picture and tackling so many tasks at once –arriving to the day before Christmas all ready and with things in order.  I am not doing that this year.  I think it is because my mind just doesn’t want to take it all in – it is too much.  And the doing becomes the theme instead of the moments that we can have.  I will finish up my tea rings and head out to visit my friend that isn’t having a very good day.  And for today – that will be the task at hand.  And tomorrow, I will assess what is necessary to have in order when my children and grandchildren arrive.  I think the main order of business is that I still have the energy and focus to be present with each of them as they are the “gift" in the season – each moment that I am able to sink into and be present in is my gift to them and to myself.  Nothing else really matters but our ability to connect and be.  For we never know what tomorrow will bring – today – this moment  - is all we really have.  So here’s to your holiday time . . . that you will capture your moment, be in your moment, and live your moment fully.  Happy Holidays

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