One part of the book that was stunning was the impact of
exercise on the brain. Perlmutter writes that the act of moving our bodies will
do more for our brain than any riddle, puzzle, math equation or book. He gives
us evidence that when you exercise you exercise, your genetic makeup. Aerobic exercise first turns on the genes
that are linked to longevity but also targets the gene that codes for
brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which is the brain’s growth
hormone. Aerobic exercise has been shown
to increase new brain cells in the memory center and reverse memory decline in
older adults. (Perlmutter, 2013)
We have known that exercise is good for the brain for
some time now. The thinking was that it increased the blood flow to the brain
and created more neurons. However, the research from the last decade is coming
together (which Perlmutter brings together in his book) to give us much more
dynamic information about the relationship between physical fitness and mental
fitness. Gretchen Reynolds from the New York Times states, “It is the relationship.” (Reynolds, 2012) Again
we are finding that it is all about the brain.
What the research is showing us, according to Perlmutter, is that
exercise, “appears to build a brain that resists physical shrinkage and
enhances cognitive flexibility”. And because of this, he states, we may have no
greater tool at our fingertips than exercise and physical movement.
Perlmutter lists five benefits of exercising that may be
new information. These are controlling inflammation, increasing insulin
sensitivity, influencing better blood sugar control, expanding the size of the
memory center and boosting levels of BDNF (the brain growth hormone). Higher
levels of the brain growth hormone decrease our appetite. He expands on the
idea that new neurons not only are created through exercise but also organized
into new networks that fit into our established network. He makes the point
that new neurons are great but don’t make us smarter unless we are able to
interconnect them into our existing neural networks.
Researchers have also been looking at the effects of physical
exercise in people who are already at risk for brain disorder and disease. This
is probably an area of mutual concern. In a 2011 study conducted by Harris
Interactive for the MetLife Foundation it was found that 31% of people fear
dementia more than death or cancer. (MetLife Foundation, 2011) So pay attention. Perlmutter
is giving us some very empowering information. He reviews the research from a
study from Rush University’s Memory and Aging Project. This project looked at
the effects of daily physical exercise on one’s risk for Alzheimer’s disease.
The results show that the individual in the lowest 10% of daily physical
activity had a 230% increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease compared
to those in the highest 10% of physical activity. When they looked at the data
in terms of intensity of physical activity, the results were even more
dramatic. They found that the risk of Alzheimer’s was nearly tripled in those
who had the least amount of exertion. (Buchman, 2012)
In another study that Perlmutter reviewed from the
Journal of the American Medical Association, Nicola Lautenschlager of the
University of Western Australia found that elderly individuals engaged in
regular physical exercise for a 24 week period had an 1800% improvement in
memory, language ability, attention and other important cognitive functions
compared to the counterpart control group. (Lautenschlager, 2008) (Perlmutter, 2013)
Although there have been studies that show cognitive
benefits among older people who just lifted weights for a year, most of the
studies at this time and all animal experiments have involved aerobic activity
to get the heart pumping on a regular basis.
Perlmutter suggests five days a week for at least 20 minutes per
session. There is much more information to glean from this chapter on exercise
and its benefits to the brain. This is only one chapter of a book that is
filled with information that is hard to ignore if we want to take charge of our
health and well-being.
Works Cited
Buchman, e. a. (2012, April). Total daily activity
and the risk of AD and cognitive decline in older adults. . Retrieved from
Lautenschlager, N. T. (2008). Effect of physical
activity on cognitive function in older adults at risk for alzheimer disease:
a randomized trail. JAMA 300, 1027-37.
MetLife Foundation. (2011). What america thinks:
MetLife foundation alzheimer's survery. Retrieved from
Perlmutter, D. (2013). Grain Brain. New York:
Little, Brown and Company.
Reynolds, G. (2012). How exercise could lead to a
better brain. New York Times Magazine.
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