As we, one nation, work to come together and move
forward after a difficult political battle, I am grasping for guidance in what
comes next. I see and hear about the
polarization, the fears, the wounding in families, the separation that has
blanketed our citizens. And on some
level, it feels overwhelming and useless for me, as one being, to make a difference
in what appears to be this huge abyss.
It has been said that the outside world is but a reflection
of our inner world. And to that end, it
is scary. What are we to do with this
chaos, this lack of understanding towards each other, this pain that some carry
and others disregard? How do we move
forward to make a difference in this process?

I can only think that Gandhi had the route spelled out for
us, “Be the change you want to see.” So
that means to step up, realize that if I am part of the polarization, I am part
of the separation. Our work is to come
together regardless of what side the other is on. Inciting more hate, more pain, more separation
is not going to bring the balm we all yearn for. If we fear hate, we must respond with
love. There is no other
alternative. It requires us to put our
ego away, and “live” our convictions. Be the change we want to see. Step into it and begin now to do the hard
work. Be loving toward those that you find it difficult. Care about each person, even those that frustrate you. Put the judgments away. Work towards understanding of the other so
that they, in turn, may work towards understanding you. We must start somewhere, so maybe if we each
start with our own self, we will, together, begin to bring light into this very
difficult time with one encounter at a time.
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