Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Giving too much of Ourselves

As a woman and a mother I have spent many hours in my life trying to help those around me. Women are good at service and so we often naturally do this without a thought. However, sometimes we get so engrained in the pattern of giving to others, servicing others, doing for others that we forget to put ourselves on the list of people we care for. And the real truth is that without putting on our own oxygen mask, doing our own self-care, we can’t really help anyone else. If you want to help those around you heal, then focus on doing your own self healing. In your work towards self healing you are modeling to those you love how to do it. And with your healing, others around you will heal. So focus on you. Put yourself first. Do the self care things you need: exercise, eat right, take time to relax, create time for you passions, and be all you can be.

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