Some weeks later, as we were visiting, I was lamenting about life being a bit too busy. And I was sincerely thinking I could have used a break from life’s happenings. And she chimed in, very kindly, to say, “Enjoy your 24 hours of each day. These are the best years of your life and although you might feel on overload, just enjoy the moments for what they bring.” Her message rang deep. I shared the words of wisdom with my husband later on in the evening. We both agreed that our lives are good and to get caught up in feeling on overload or being overwhelmed certainly does take away from our moment of enjoying what is being called forth for that moment during that day.
Today, consider the stage of life you are in and realize that this too shall pass. So regardless of what is happening and how busy life seems, stop and taste the morsels of your moments. Delight in and enjoy the moments you are given today. It is all you really ever have and perhaps, the best gift you can give yourself. Show up and be present today!
1 comment:
Very nice and as always, timely!
Heading out to be present to the tasks at hand and appreciating the gift of life!
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