The words sound good, but what does it all really mean? Consider the idea that we want to access our
highest potential in everything we do. That means making every moment count –
making every action about becoming the fullest human being you can be and
letting it shine in everything. This
would mean that we would look at everything that comes before us, crosses our
path, as a moment that is supposed to be in our life. We would live like there
are not any accidents but just opportunities for us to live our “fullest
potential” moment by shining our inner light (our essence) onto the
One way to get in touch and begin to embrace who you are,
thereby, allowing you to access your own
knowing and passion – your soul, is to begin with baby steps to say, “Yes” to the tiniest steps in increasing your self
esteem and anchoring your own goodness.
Say, “Yes” to yourself and don’t reach outside yourself for that approval. Stop asking for the outer approval because navigating
your life to attain outer approval takes away accessing your inner knowing and
what you are here for. No one knows you
better than you. Reach inside and start
to get to know yourself. This week take
some baby steps to honor who you are bringing your essence out to share with
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