Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Making of Art is Prayer

Recently I was listening to Rainn Wilson talking about his co-creation SoulPancake which he describes as a social network where people can discuss life’s big questions. Oprah was interviewing him on her Super Soul Sunday series. He made several comments that made me stop and think. He said, “The making of art is no different than prayer . . . being creative and being a creator is the ultimate testament to the Great Creator, God.” (Wilson, 2013)

I had to ponder this as it resonated with me.  Spirituality is an internal process that is part of everything we do. And when we create, we are focused as we express and bring forth that which is calling to be created. This could be anything from preparing the perfect meal, to building a creative swing set.  Regardless of what the art may be, it is the solitude expression of something within us that is calling to be expressed. To me it is about accessing our authentic self and loving ourselves enough to create that which we are born to create.

For me, my art is writing.  There are times when I don’t get my writing time in and I feel a bit lost.  I may not even always realize that it has been missing; I just get busy and don’t take the time to write. But writing, for me, is my connection to my soul – it makes me feel whole – it is the time that I pay attention to what is inside of me and go about expressing myself – fully.  It is the time I go deep, and listen – touching that place, my soul, that only my burrowing can access.  For me writing is about connecting and creating as I get fully aware. And my writing is fully embodied as I find myself lost in the expression and experiencing a freedom of quenching that deep desire to express. It is in this place that I access my authentic self, work at my life’s purpose, and embrace the essence of who I am.  What greater honor to our Creator than to honor who we are and share this expression and creation with the world?  

For this week, be aware of your own creations honoring them as the prayer they are. Bring those creations, that are waiting to be expressed, out to the world.

Works Cited

Wilson, R. (2013, July 7). Actor from The Office. (O. Winfrey, Interviewer)



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